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Performed by
Eric Mather, Dave Shirley, Jane Shirley, Chris Woolf
Written by
Derek Hartman, Jeff Kosloski, Eric Mather, Dave Shirley, Jane Shirley, Chris Woolf

Directed by
Dave Shirley

Stage Manager/Tech Operator
Jason Rudofsky

Live Sketches - ACT 1
Night Before Christmas
Shelby Sparrow Live
Merry Hanukkah
Letters to the North Pole
Cookin with Ruby & Price
Bell Ringer
Jesus Faith

Live Sketches - ACT 2
Gingerbread Man
A December 25th Carol
Clovis Saves Christmas
Hand Bells
A Dumb Family Christmas

ERIC MATHER - Performer, writer

Eric Mather has been reciting memorized lines on stage, in generally the correct order, in front of paying Denver theater audience members for the better part of 25 years. Some of his favorite words that he’s gotten to speak on those stages were preceded by the words; “Scarecrow” (Wizard of Oz), “Jimmy Harper” (Reefer Madness), “Franz Liebkind” (The Producers), “Inspector Kemp” (Young Frankenstein).


Sometimes Eric has had to pretend to sing and dance at the same time while people watched and giggled. He’s also decided to change costumes dozens of times in a single performance and quite often has done that very thing without a script at all. At times you might see Eric’s spotted face interrupt your favorite sporting event or television program if you’re not streaming it which, I mean let’s face it…of course you are…who isn’t? I mean nobody watches commercials anymore. It’s a complete waste of time and money.


Anyhoo, Eric is pleased as punch to be getting to play and write and be silly with some of his favorite people and hopes you enjoy watching and giggling. 

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DAVE SHIRLEY - Director, Writer, Performer
Dave is a comedian who doesn’t tell jokes. He does a whole lot more. He began as a teenager busking in the streets eating fire, regurgitating burnt razor blades and blowing smoke into square shaped bubbles. As long as it was peculiar and entertaining, like picking a politician’s pockets or levitating dead puppets, he did it.
To hone his unique humor, he gravitated towards improvisation and sketch comedy by creating the Rattlebrain Theater Co in Denver, Colorado. As artistic director and head writer he produced years of critically acclaimed and widely popular music and comedy revues.
After being discovered by AMERICA’S GOT TALENT, his most memorable bits have now been seen and applauded by millions. As a finalist he proved that comedy can go far beyond standing on a stage with a microphone. It can be captured by your eyes, processed through your id and injected straight into your funny bone. 
JANE SHIRLEY - Performer, Writer

Jane began her performing career accidentally. She was tasked to teach a 7th grade theatre class which sounds like fun except that she was a math and science teacher and had no theatre background. She decided to take an improv class hoping to gain a few skills she could pass along, and the rest was history.


She was asked to join the improv company full time which eventually led to creating Rattlebrain Productions in 2002. Since then she has written and performed in hundreds of original comedy performances, been nominated for several awards and has become the only original Rattlebrain cast member to appear in every production.


When she isn’t on stage you can occasionally catch her doing commercials with Peyton Manning or taking cooking classes that never lead to actually making the dish at home.

JASON RUDOFSKY - Stage Manager, Tech Operator

Jason Rudofsky, a native of Colorado, has been performing improv and sketch comedy for over 25yrs in Denver. He began as an original cast member of Bovine Metropolis’ comedy troupe and since then has other credits that include a 3 second stint on ‘The Practice’ as a reporter and the voice of Flinchy and various other meerkats in ‘Lion King 1 1/2’


A former restauranteur, Jason is a recent addition to Rattlebrain Production’s entourage and is grateful for the opportunity knowing just how difficult he is to rein in. As an avid golfer, Jason finds himself currently working at Kennedy golf course as a greenskeeper while simultaneously working on his first book entitled, “A Short Dark Man and His Putter”.

CHRIS WOOLF - Performer, Writer

Chris has spent most of his acting career avoiding scripts unless they were written by his friends, or occasionally himself. Despite his aversion to memorization, Chris has managed to appear in a handful of local commercials and theater productions. He was even nominated for a Denver Post Ovation Award in 2011 for his performance as a meth peddling Mercutio in Dangerous Theater’s production of Redneck Romeo & Juliet. He did not win and has not been nominated for anything meaningful since.


While Chris has maintained his passion for comedy without scripts since 2001, he was recently re-seduced by the allure of the writing process via sketch comedy when he joined the cast of Rattlebrain in 2017 – as a sound guy. Eventually the director (Dave Shirley) was unofficially quoted as saying, “I don’t know, somehow he just ended up on stage.” Since then, Chris has felt lucky to have the privilege of goofing around with some of the goofier goofballs to ever spoof the goof and he hopes you can come share in the goofery, because if you don’t then he memorized all these goofy-goofs for nothing.

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